

Asian Symposium on Visualization is a regular international meeting focusing on advances in visualization methods and their application, most of all, to fluid mechanics. Following the trend of the previous symposia, a wide scope of the oncoming ASV 13 is expected.


  • Extended Abstract Submission Deadline:

January 25, 2015

  • Notification of acceptance:
January 31, 2015
  • Camera-ready manuscripts:
April 30, 2015
  • Main conference:
June 22-26, 2015




  • Visual Information and Analysis
  • Industrial Fluid Mechanics and Wind Engineering
  • Optical Measurement
  • Multiphase and Reacting Flows
  • Numerical Visualization
  • Combustion Phenomena and Engine
  • Incompressible Flows
  • Nano and Micro Fluid
  • Heat Transfer and Turbulent Flow
  • Bio Fluid
  • Compressible Flows and Gas Dynamics
  • Flow Control
  • Aeronautics and High Speed Flow
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics


The Symposium is organized by the Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ITAM SB RAS) and will take place in the Novosibirsk Research Center, Russia.


Chairperson: V.M. Fomin, ITAM SB RAS
Vice Chairperson: V.V. Kozlov, ITAM SB RAS
Secretariat: A.V. Dovgal, G.V. Klimchik, ITAM SB RAS


Local Organizing Committee:

S.V. Alekseenko, Russia V.A. Lebiga, Russia
V.M. Boiko, Russia D.M. Markovich, Russia
A.P. Chupakhin, Russia V.I. Terekhov, Russia
Yu.N. Grigoryev, Russia A.A. Vasiliev, Russia
A.D. Kosinov, Russia V.I. Zapryagaev, Russia


International Advisory Committee:

T.H. Chang, Korea Y. Nakayama, Japan
N. Fujisawa, Japan E. Rathakrishnan, India
C.T. Hsu, China B. Suwantragul, Thailand
H.H. Hwung, Taiwan Q.D. Wei, China
A. Kusunowo, Indonesia S.H. Winoto, Singapore
Q.X. Lian, China C. Wu, China


International Steering Committee:

V.V. Kozlov (Chairperson), Russia T. Kobayashi, Japan
G.V. Alekseev, Russia K.M. Lam, Hong Kong
W. Asvapoositkul, Thailand S.J. Lee, Korea
K. Aoki, Japan Y.W. Lee, Korea
A. Bunyajitradulya, Thailand C. Lin, Taiwan
W.K. Chan, Singapore I.I. Lipatov, Russia
K.A. Chang, USA S.X. Li, China
J.H. Chen, Taiwan Z.H. Li, China
Y.T. Chew, Singapore I. Marusic, Australia
D.H. Doh, Korea J.J. Miau, Taiwan
S. Eiamsa-ard, Thailand O. Mochizuki, Japan
S. Elangovan, India K. Nishino, Japan
M. Fuchiwaki, Japan K. Ohmi, Japan
M. Ginting, Indonesia H.H. Qiu, Hong Kong
A. Goto, Japan A.R.H. Rigit, Malaysia
H.H. Hwang, Taiwan B. Soenarko, Indonesia
A.Iida, Japan J. Soria, Australia
S. Ito, Japan A.B. Wang, Taiwan
V. Kanagarajan, India J.J. Wang, China
T. Kawaguchi, Japan T. Yamagata, Japan
H.D. Kim, Korea J.Y. Yoo, Korea
K.C. Kim, Korea M.Z. Yusoff, Malaysia



Abstracts of the contributions to the Symposium should be submitted through the Symposium web site. For guidelines see (abstract example).



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