
Travel information

There is no direct route from the airport Tolmachevo to Akademgorodok. So you need to change transport.

There are two variants:

1. First go from the airport Tolmachevo to the Glavny Vokzal (Central Railway Station) and there is transfer to the bus № 1209, on which you need to go to the Cvetnoy Proezd (final bus-stop).

2. First go from the airport to the Rechnoy Vokzal (River station), and there is transfer to the bus № 8, № 1209 or route taxi № 1235, on which you need to go to the Cvetnoy Proezd (final bus-stop).

It's a 5 minutes walk from the Cvetnoy Proezd bus-stop to the hotel "Zolotaya Dolina" ("Golden Valley") .

You can find out more information on how to get to the Rechnoy Vokzal and the Glavny Vokzal on the site of the airport:

The map will help you locate yourself in Akademgorodok.

Please, use the Official Taxi to Akademgorodok:

    "April" - 330-33-33

    "Sprint" - 330-46-46

    "Pegas" - 330-48-48

    "Gorodok" - 330-30-40

    "Nord" - 334-55-55

    "Mirt" - 330-18-18

    "Drive" - 332-02-02

    "Kucher" - 3-356-356

    "Blues" - 330-50-50

    "Voyage" - 333-19-19, for mobile phone МТS 719

    "Grand" - 330-22-22, 330-11-11

    "Academ-taxi" - 2-919-717, 334-88-88, for mobile phone МТS 717

    "Siberia" - 330-55-30, 2-125-925