
Abstract submission

To make a part at the conference the participants have to:
- register at the conference website;
- submit an application and full-text article is set with full of the requirements below.
Abstracts requirements: 

The volume of reports must not exceed 4 pages, A5 format, utilized text editor - Word for Windows, type – Times New Roman, book orientation, alignment – the width, 10 pt., 1.0 intervals, and 0.6 cm indentation, all fields – 2 cm. Pictures should be in the . jpg format. Photos must be made with good black-and-white negatives, extremely clear with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. References are marked by an ordinal number, for example [1].

Plan of the paper:

UDC, author's name (italic), affiliation, title of article (no more than 70 symbols), abstract in English and Russian languages (up to 500 symbols each) (8 pt.), key words (5-10) (8 pt.), the main text of articles, bibliography (GOST 7.05-2008) (8 pt.). Structure of the text: a problem statement, a summary of objectives, study methods and obtained results, conclusions.

Download example for article setting.

It is emphasized to use our special website to represent materials.
Please Pay Attention to...

1. Keep a conformance of your articles to the conference subject and point out the appropriate section.
2. Please be adviced that there is a possibility on the website to submit a presentation of the report with the full-text article together.
3. Please pass the registration on the conference website if you are the participant who submits its application by e-mail, fax, etc. It will be helpful for you in informing.
5. Please keep your article preparations and submission in time.

Sending the article to the organizing committee, author thus conveys copyright to publish articles by organizing committee, including electronically (online resources). The organizing committee is entitled to the processing of author's personal data.

The organizing committee may not publish material that don't fit these requirements.

The information materials are sent by mail must fit the requirements:

1. Surname, Name.
2. E-mail.
3. Country.
4. City.
5. Place of employment.
6. Appointment.
7. Academic degree.
8. Office phone.
9. Academic rank.
10. Plan to make a report (yes/no).
11. Needs in hotel (yes/no).
12. Date of arrival.
13. Report list by sections with article files.
14. Presentation material (if you will make a report).