
Esharov E.A.   Shumilov B.M.  

New approaches in data processing of laser scanning of roads

Reporter: Esharov E.A.

In work the synthesis of surfaces of roads on data of laser scanning on the basis of the method of the middle trajectories [1] and the parametrical identification of the nonlinear differential equations [2] will be presented. For creation of dynamic models of behavior of separate indicators are used the recurrent splines [3, 4] The problem of development of methods of restoration of the nonlinear differential equations modeling dynamic system on the observations of its variables is considered on the basis of application of spline-wavelets for the analysis and processing of numerical data of laser measurements [5].

1. Marchuk G. Mathematical models in immunology. Numerical Methods and Experiments. 3-rd edition. Moscow: Nauka, 1991. P. 304. (In Russian. Matematicheskie modeli v immunologii. Vychislitel'nye metody i jeksperimenty).
2. Konstantinova L., Kochegurov V., Shumilov B. Parametric Identification of Nonlinear Differential Equations by the Method of Spline Diagrams Taking Exact Values on Polynomials // Automation and Remote Control. 1997. V. 58, iss. 5. P. 756-764.
3. Esharov E., Shumilov B., Arkabayev N. Construction and Optimization of Predictions on the Basis of First-Degree Recurrence Splines // Numerical Analysis and Applications. 2010. V. 3, No. 2. P. 186-198.
4. Esharov E., Shumilov B. Processing of materials of laser scanning of roads on the basis of recursive cubic splines // in International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists: Advanced Materials in Construction and Engineering (15-17 October 2014, Tomsk, Russia) / IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 71 (2015) 012046.
5. Kuduev А., Esharov E., Arkabaev N. Visualization of roads laser scanning data applying orthogonal GHM-multiwavelet-transform // Vestnik of Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building. 2014. No. 2. Р. 157-167. (In Russian. Vizualizacija dannyh lazernogo skanirovanija avtomobil'nyh dorog s ispol'zovaniem ortogonal'nogo GHM-mul'tivejvlet-preobrazovanija).

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