Биоинформатика регуляции и структуры генома

24 - 30 August 1998, Международная конференция, 24-31 августа 1998, <br>г.Новосибирск.

Rubrics: Conference |

Activity URL: http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/bgrs/

E-mail: www@www-sbras.nsc.ru


Международная конференция, 24-31 августа 1998, г.Новосибирск.\r\n

This conference will be the first in the series and run from August 24 to August 31, 1998. We expect a shift of experimental activity from direct sequencing to investigation of genome functioning and regulation in nearest future and, therefore, accumulation, analysis, and recognition of genomic regulatory sequences should soon become major Bioinformatics' problems.

Сибирское отделение РАН, Новосибирск