Computer Science days in Ekaterinburg (CSEdays)

29 June - 1 July 2013, Ekaterinburg

Rubrics: Conference |

Activity URL: http://

Computer Science days in Ekaterinburg (CSEdays) is a series of schools organized by the Ural Federal University.

The 6th school will be held in Ekaterinburg, Russia on June 29 – July 01, 2013. The topic of the school is «Algorithms and Complexity». The program will consist of 4 short lecture courses as well as student presentations and poster sessions. Students are encouraged to submit not only published or completed research, but also a short summary of work in progress or even a concise review of a problem area. The primary goal of submitting a paper, as we see it, is getting feedback from experts in complexity theory as well as school lecturers and participants.

The school will be held right after the 8th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR 2013, June 25-29). Any participant of the school may arrive earlier and attend the talks of the CSR 2013 without paying the conference registration fee.

Deadline date: April 10, 2013

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