21 - 22 октября 2011 г., Украина, Одесса

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Piotr E. Kzanskiy International Readings on International Law are devoted to the memory of one of the most prominent international law scholar, who spent most of his academic career in Novorossiysk Imperial University.
One of the most famous P.E. Kazanskiy’s works – "The general administrative unions of States" – was published in Odessa and brought to professor glory of leading specialist in the sphere of international law. He considered the international law from the new position as the law of international administration. Based on the original idea of the unity of the international public and private international law, he believed that international law regulates a wide variety of relations: between sovereign countries, states and communities; between government and citizens of another state; between individuals who are citizens of different states.
Professor P.E. Kazanskiy predicted that the substantial increase in the number and the role of international treaties on the protection of public interest, or in other words the birth of international administrative unions in the twentieth century. Development of institutional system of administrative unions and other international associations of states after World War I, the League of Nations and the UN, the creation of specialized agencies within the UN confirmed his vision on the mechanism of international law development.
In the year that marks 65 years of the International Court of Justice, we invite everyone to take part in the Readings, which are named after one of the most prominent scholars in international law and devoted to 65yrs Anniversary of the most honorable international court in the world.
The organizers of the international readings of Piotr E. Kazanskiy are: Faculty of International Legal Relations and Legal Journalism, Department of International Law and International Relations, Department of the European Union and Comparative Law of National University “Odessa Law Academy” and Centre for International Law and Justice.

To take part in the Readings - 2011 participants will be required to fulfil the on-line registration form. Abstract in electronic format and a scanned copy of the receipt from the bank should be sent till the 14th of October, 2011  on the e-mail address:
The working languages of the event: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Requirements for abstracts:

 The abstract must be made on the actual theme, must embody the results of independent, deep research, they should be formalized in accordance with established requirements;
 Size of abstract - 3 (for students), 4 (for graduate students and young scientists) and 6 (for those who have an academic title or academic degree) pages in A4 page format (297h210 mm) , orientation - portrait;
 Margins: top, bottom and right - 15 mm, left - 20 mm;
 Font Times New Roman, pins - 14, line spacing - 1,5, style Normal;
 The first line - (in bold italics, aligned on the right side) surname and initials of the author, academic status or academic degree (for those who have it), the second line - (italic font, aligned on the right side) university (double indent), or place of work;
 The next paragraph - (in bold all caps, aligned in the center) the name of the abstract;
 Next paragraph - the text of abstract, aligned across the width of the left margin of 10 mm.

The filename must correspond the name and surname of the Readings participant (eg, Dejan_Stanov.doc). E-mail subject must contain the name of the participant with a obligatory indication "for the International Reading in commemoration of P.E. Kazanskiy".

N.B The editorial board reserves the right to edit or reject partial material which is made in violation with these requirements.

Срок подачи заявок: 14 октября 2011 г.


Centre for International Law and Justice

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