12 Международная Харьковская конференция молодых ученых по радиофизике, электронике, фотонике и биофизике (YSC 2012)

4 - 7 December 2012, Харьков, Украина

Rubrics: Conference | Physics

Activity URL: http://www.ysc.org.ua/


4–7 декабря 2012 года, Харьков, Украина.

студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые возрастом до 35 лет.

Тематика конференции:

  1. Optics and Photonics:
    • physics of advanced and novel lasers (solid, gas, chemical etc.);
    • active media for lasers;
    • laser resonators;
    • optical waveguides and optical beam propagation;
    • nonlinear and high-speed optics;
    • quantum optics (quantum states, information and chaos);
    • organic coherent optics;
    • application of lasers in modern technologies (optical communication, range finders, laser weapon etc.);
    • laser spectroscopy;
    • interaction of laser beam with microobjects;
    • holography;
    • lasers in medicine (therapy,diagnostics and surgery);
    • optical measurement and instrumentation.
  2. Computational and experimental electromagnetics:
    • antennas (reflectors, lens, printed, etc.);
    • antenna arrays;
    • resonators (open, closed, passive, active);
    • waveguides (metallic, dielectric, planar, etc.);
    • gratings and frequency-selective surfaces;
    • decelerating systems;
    • quasioptical systems;
    • passive devices (filters, splitters, phase shifters, etc.);
    • methods of analysis (analytical and numerical);
    • methods of optimization;
    • measurements.
  3. Biophysics:
    • molecular biophysics;
    • applied biophysics;
    • cell biophysics;
    • molecular modelling;
    • cryobiophysics;
    • nanobiophysics.
  4. Microwave and terahertz electronics:
    • fast wave devices;
    • slow wave devices;
    • microwave/RF plasma interaction;
    • vacuum and semiconductor microelectronics;
    • microwave systems;
    • X-ray and Terahertz radiation sources;
    • charged particle beams and sources.
  5. Geoscience and remote sensing:
    • radiowave propagation;
    • satellite navigation;
    • synthetic aperture radars (SAR);
    • processing of radar signals and images;
    • passive radars;
    • scattering models.
  6. Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics:
    • radio emission from the Sun and stars;
    • galactic and extragalactic radio astronomy;
    • spectral lines, pulsars and relict radiation;
    • interplanetary medium. Planetary radio emission;
    • radio telescopes, interferometers and radio astronomy equipment.
  7. Nano- and metamaterials:
    • photonic/electromagnetic crystals;
    • negative index materials;
    • planar metamaterial structures, meta-surfaces;
    • chiral structures;
    • granular, layered nanostructures and nanotubes;
    • superconductor materials;
    • liquid crystals;
    • nonlinear materials;
    • experimental studies and characterization of metamaterials;
    • analytical and numerical modelling of metamaterials;
    • application of metamaterials in microwave, THz and optical ranges.
  8. Solid-state radiophysics:
    • solid-state plasma;
    • electromagnetic wave propagation and interaction;
    • acoustic waves;
    • surface waves;
    • nonlinear electromagnetic properties of solid-state structures;
    • quantum phenomena;
    • electron transport.

Языки: английский, украинский, русский.

Крайний срок регистрации и представления тезисов докладов: 30 сентября 2012 года.

Deadline date: September 30, 2012

Институт радиофизики и и электроники им. А. Я. Усикова НАН Украины (ИРЭ НАНУ)
Совет молодых ученых ИРЭ НАНУ.

Contact information:
61085, Украина, Харьков, ул. Ак. Проскуры, 1, ИРЭ НАНУ;
E-mail: mikhail.balaban@gmail.com Михаил Балабан (по общим вопросам).

Information source: http://elementy.ru/