IV Меджународная научно-практическая конференция «English Education in Russia – Past, Present and Future»

28 November 2012, Taganrog

Rubrics: Conference | Philology

E-mail: bobyrev@tagcnm.ru


1. Teaching English as a Second Language (vocabulary, reading, speech, writing, drama, poetry).
2. Stylistics.
3. Lexicology.
4. Phonetics (theoretical and practical).
5. British and American Study (Culture).
6. Planning Model for English Lessons.
7. Sociocultural and Sociolinguistic Aspects of Professional Intercultural Communication.
8. Teaching English at Universities and Institutes for Humanities where English is not a Core Subject.
9. The Problems of Modern Linguistic Research in Applied Aspects.
10. British and American Literature.
11. British and American Art.
12. The Use of New Information Technologies (IT) in Teaching Foreign Languages.
13. History of English.
14. Grammar (theoretical and practical).

Deadline date: November 28, 2012

Центр научной мысли www.tagcnm.ru

Contact information:
Бобырев Аркадий Викторович, к.пед.н., руководитель Центра научной мысли, тел.: (дом.) (8634) 319-394, (моб.) 89185001217, эл. почта: bobyrev@tagcnm.ru

Information source: http://konferencii.ru/