XXI International Conference on Chemical Reactors "Chemreactor-21"
22 - 25 September 2014, The Netherlands, DelftRubrics: Conference | Chemistry E-mail: zam@catalysis.ruDescription:The main topics of CHEMREACTOR-21 scientific program are:
Advances in Chemical Reactors Fundamentals
Chemical Reactions Kinetics
Energy & Mass Transfer in Chemical Reactors
Fundamentals of Hydrodynamics and Fluid Flow in Chemical Reactors
Specialized Software for Development of Chemical Reactors and Flow-Sheeting of Reactive Processes
Chemical Reaction Engineering and Reactors Design – Novel Approaches, Modeling, Scale-Up, Optimization
Mathematical Simulation and CFD Studies of Chemical Reactors
New Designs of Chemical Reactors (e.g. Structured Reactors, Membrane Reactors, Microreactors)
Novel Approaches in Chemical Reaction Processes Engineering (e.g. Microwave/Induction Heated Reactors, Ultrasonic Reactors, Unsteady-State Forcing and Sorption Enhancement in Chemical Reactors, Multifunctional Reactors)
Chemical Reactors and Technologies for Emerging Applications
Environmental Protection and Utilization of Wastes
Processing of Biomass and Renewable Feedstocks
Production of Novel Nano-Structured Carbon Materials
Advanced Processing of Fossil Hydrocarbon Feedstocks
Modern Reactive Technologies for Natural Gas, Oil and Coal Processing
Chemical Processes for intensification of Oil Production
Natural Chemical Reactors for In-Situ Processing of Oil and Coal in Deposits
Chemical Reactors and Processes for Treatment of Heavy Hydrocarbon Feedstock and Shale Oil
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