Holography: Applications to Technicolor, Condensed matter and Hadrons HATCH-2012

11 - 15 June 2012, Moscow

Rubrics: Seminar | Physics

Activity URL: http://wwwth.inr.ac.ru/events/hatch-2012/scope/


Holography: Applications to Technicolor, Condensed matter and Hadrons HATCH-2012

11–15 июня 2012 года, Москва, ИЯИ РАН.

HATCH-2012 — сателлитное мероприятие семинара Quarks-2012.

Тематика семинара:

  • AdS/QCD: holographic models of hadrons.
  • Holographic description of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking: technicolor, composite Higgs, Higgsless, etc.
  • Holographic liquids and quark-gluon plasma.
  • Models with anisotropic scaling.
  • Applications to condensed matter: strange metals, Hall effect, etc.

Институт ядерных исследований РАН.

Contact information:

Information source: http://elementy.ru/