

Accomodation is planned in hotels of Barnaul city:

Online map:

DOWNLOAD HOTEL PRICES FILE  Important! Prices are given in Russian roubles. Exchange rate is floating, for example, on May 17, exchange rate is approx. 63 roubles per 1 Euro. You can check on current exchange rate on booking date. Also please note that all banks are taking some reasonable commission for exchange, so you can never buy rouble for an official exchange rate.

After you have chosen your accommodation, please e-mail your choice to the Conference secretary Elena Zhuravleva at (indicate your full name, hotel name, room type (and cost), date and hour of arrival and date and hour of departure. If you are travelling with an accompanying person, please indicate his/her name also), and we will take care of your booking. Looking forward to seing you in Barnaul soon!