
Marsadolov L.S.  

Reflection of the phenomenon of warm and cold seasonality in ancient "artistic" images

ABSTRACT: For human life, seasonal changes in nature, the economy, social, military, psychological and religious activities have always been important. The sacred “artistic” images of different historical eras and cultures in many regions of the world and among different peoples were reflected in warm spring-summer and cold autumn-winter periods. On the Paleolithic plate from the La Vach site in France, the summer and winter seasons were depicted using examples of changes in the age of animals and the appearance of vegetation (Fig. 1). On the vessel from Lepesovka, 12 sectors were applied with different schematic signs, which most researchers identify with 12 calendar months. The mirror from Kelermes in the Kuban marked the alternation of peaceful and aggressive scenes. Spring – the arrival of birds, a bear wakes up. Spring peacefully turns into Summer – trees with foliage, well-fed animals (sunrise – Lioness and Aries), but at sunset – a scene of the Lion’s struggle with the Bull and the coming Autumn (Boar). Winter is a hungry time, a struggle for prey. On a wooden sarcophagus from the large mound Bashadar-2 in Altai carved images of tigers, moose, mountain rams and wild boars. In tigers, when moving, the “density of the coat” changes. The extreme eastern tiger has less thick coat on the deck wall than the tiger of the “western” end of the sarcophagus (Fig. 2). Observations of changes in natural seasonality gradually led to the creation of different calendar systems.

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