
Second Announcement


V.M. Fomin, Russia, Chairman

A.N. Shiplyuk, Russia, Vice-Chairman
A.A. Maslov, Russia, Vice-Chairman
V.A. Lebiga, Russia, Vice-Chairman
V.P. Matveenko, Russia, Vice-Chairman
A.A. Tashkinov, Russia, Vice-Chairman
A.A. Inozemtsev, Russia, Vice-Chairman
P.G.Frik, Russia, Vice-Chairman

A.D. Kosinov, Russia,  Secretary

S.V. Alekseenko,  Russia
B.S. Alyoshin,  Russia
V.E. Barsuk,  Russia
S.L.Chernyshov,  Russia
K.N. Chiang,  Taiwan
J. Crouch,  USA
I.V. Egorov,  Russia
A.V. Fedorov,  Russia
H. Hornung,  USA
V.K. Kedrinskii,  Russia
A.M. Kharitonov,  Russia
D. Knight, USA
V.V. Kozlov,  Russia
V.F. Kopiev,  Russia
E. Kraemer,  Germany
A.N. Kraiko,  Russia
E. Krause, Germany
V.F.Kuropatenko,  Russia V.I. Lapygin,  Russia
J.-C. Lengrand, France
V.A. Levin,  Russia
A.M. Lipanov,  Russia
I.I. Lipatov,  Russia
J. Le,  China
J.J. Miau,  Taiwan
J. Muylaert,  Netherlands
A.M. Orishich,  Russia
O.G. Penyaz’kov,  Belorussia
S.D. Salenko,  Russia
C.T. Surzhikov,  Russia
K. Takayama,  Japan
J.-P. Taran,  France
W. Sсhroeder, Germany
A.N. Seryeznov,  Russia


Local Organizing Committee

e-mail :

A.A. Tashkinov – Chairman
N.A. Shevelev – Vice-Chairman
V.Ya. Modorskii – Scientific secretary
D.F. Gaynutdinova – Secretary

R.V. Bulbovich
L.N. Butymova
S.L. Kalyulin
A.V. Kozlova
E.V. Mekhonoshina
V.P. Prikhodchenko
A.N. Sazhenkov
A.F. Shmakov
P.V. Trusov
N.A. Trufanov
A.N. Trufanov

Executive Committee

ITAM SB RAS, Novosibirsk

A.D.Kosinov – Co-Chairman A.A.Sidorenko – Co-Chairman

G.V.Klimchik – Secretary

A.B. Baturin
A.V. Borodin
Yu.V. Kratova
E.V. Medvedeva
A.V. Panina
T.V. Poplavskaya
N.V. Semionov
A.S. Shmakov
T.V. Vetrovskaya
V.N. Zinoviev

Conference fee
The conference fee is 350 € for non-Russian participants and 200 € for young participants. The fee will cover expenses for publication of conference proceedings, coffee breaks, technical support, and transport service.

The conference fee should be paid in rubles to the Perm National Research Polytechnic University financial office at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russian Federation on the payment date using bank exchange in Perm. If you have some questions or problems about this, please inform us by e-mail to: in advance.

The conference events will be held at the Perm National Research Polytechnic University.

ICMAR 2016 organizers have pre-reservations for conference participants in the following hotels:
holel "Prikamie" – within a walking distance
hotel "NewStar"    - within a walking distance
hotel "AMAX"      - transfer service will be provided
hotel "CityStar"     - transfer service will be provided
If you reserve accommodation through the organizing committee or independently at the proposed hotels, please inform us about it no later than June 15.
Participants can also make independent reservations in other hotels.
Do not hesitate to ask about documents, official invitations, and hotel accommodation to ICMAR 2016 organizers by e-mail :

Organizing committee contacts:
Address: Russian Federation, Perm, 614990, Komsomol’sky prospect, 29
Telephone:  +7(342)2391386
Fax: +7(342)2391224
Vladimir Modorskii (Scientific secretary of the local organizing committee)
Dinara Gaynutdinova (secretary of the local organizing committee)

Conference papers will be published by AIP Publishing up to the end of 2016. Participants of ICMAR 2016 should submit full papers before June 15, 2014 at the conference website Please use your individual password that you received during registration.
You can re-upload the paper up to July 4, 2016.

The full paper should be prepared according to the AIP Conference Proceedings requirements. Templates (for Word and TeX) can be found at the conference website Please upload the paper to the conference website together with file containing signed copyright form in the PDF format only. The submitted paper should not be less than 4 pages and should not exceed 6 Megabytes.


June 15, 2014 - upload of full paper
June 17, 2014  – information on travel schedule

ICMAR 2016 scientific secretary
Dr. A.D. Kosinov