
General information

Novosibirsk State University


the International Conference

Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems,
dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician M.M. Lavrentiev's birthday

Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok


Event format: mixed (online and offline)

Official languages: English and Russian


Deeply esteemed colleagues!

Our conference "Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems" has an excellent tradition
of cooperation between scientists from different countries conducting joint and mutually complementary research
on various aspects of this broad field of knowledge. The conference became one of the main platforms
for the development of the theory and applications of inverse and Ill-Posed Problems.

Sincerely wishing to preserve these traditions and the full-time format of the event,
taking into account a large number of uncertainties and unpredictable factors,
The Organizing Committee decided to postpone the conference to 2023.
The approximate time of the event is August 2023.


Best regards,

V.G. Romanov,
S.I. Kabanikhin,
M.M. Lavrentiev,
M.A. Shishlenin.