
Information letter

Call for Papers №1

Dear colleagues!

The XXI international scientific symposium
«The Integration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Research»,
dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of S.I. Roudenko and
200th anniversary of the birth of A.F. Middendorf

will take place from 6 to 8 October 2015 in Altay State University (Barnaul, Russia)

Special Interest Groups (SIGs):

1) Historiographic aspects of interaction of archeological and ethnographical research: personalities, original approaches, experience and problems of integration.
2) Ethnoarcheological research: sources, methodology and theory.
Among others, the following discussion topics are proposed:
The limits of the research tools of archeology and ethnography in the sphere of historical reconstructions. Ethnoarcheology: the framework of concepts (the potential of systematic and structural - functional approaches, modeling, reconstruction, development, etc). The problem of interpreting burial complexes and mounds (on macro- meso- and microlevels).
3) Practical research results in the sphere of integration of archeology, ethnography and other humanities and sciences.
Among others, the following discussion topics are proposed:
Reconstruction of technological tradition in different spheres of activity (metallurgy, pottery, wood processing, etc.). Reconstruction of the world outlook in archeological and ethnographical research: the potential and approaches in combining the data of allied sciences. The archeology and ethnography of space, sacral complexes (topography, microtopography, chronology, stratigraphy, etc.). Social statuses of an individual in the domains of life and death (acquisition, inversion, markers, means of recording, interpretation, etc.) according to archeological and ethnographical data. A thing and an individual in time and space of rites and their material embodiments (the statuses of things, sets of things, dynamics means of recording and interpretation). Anthropological research, molecular-genetic evaluations.
4) Problems of researching Koulay historical-cultural entity in Western Siberia

During the symposium trips to museums and archeological memorials of Altay region ARE PLANNED. For details, see the symposium website and the calls for papers which will follow.

To participate in the symposium it is necessary to apply before February 01, 2015 with an abstract, the name of the SIG where it should be presented, and a form with your personal details (full name, affiliation, position, academic degree and rank, mailing address with electronic address).  By March  01, 2015 this must be followed by a longer written summary of the paper which will be published before the symposium. SIGs will be formed with the consideration of abstracts received. Initiative in creating SIGs is welcomed.

The working languages of the symposium are English and Russian.

Please submit your applications and abstracts electronically to;, on extraordinary occasions to
Updates on symposium will be published at;; (mirror), also at AltSU “Altay Archeology” website ( ). Registered participants will be regularly informed on emails stated in applications.
Following the symposium, the organizing committee will publish the papers on the website of the Department of Ethnography and Museum Studies, Omsk State University ( and on AltSU website.