
Panina S.N.  

1 Яндекс.Переводчик Сквозь тысячелетия. Устойчивость элементов иконографии образов уральской и западно-сибирской металлопластики в археологии и этнографии Through the millennia. The stability of the elements of the iconography of the images of the Ural and West-Siberian metal in archaeology and ethnography

The article analyzes some elements of the iconography of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic images of the early Iron Age in the metal plastics of the Urals and Western Siberia during the time  and in the space of this territory. The traditions of transfer of these elements in the later epochs up to the present are considered.

Key words: cult plastics, anthropo- and zoomorphic castings, early Iron Age, Itkul culture.

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