
Abstract submission

Abstract submission

Conference languages: English and Russian.

Abstract Submission: Prospective participants are invited to submit their abstracts in English or Russian (in Word format) of less than 1200 symbols (approximately, half page of A4) in text form (i.e., without formulae, pictures, and tables). One author can participate at three abstracts at most. Abstracts will be accepted by electronic submission at only. 

Abstract Template: Abstract_Template_ENG.docx 


Conference proceedings papers (extended abstracts): The the agreement with IOP Publishing Ltd. about the publication of the conference proceedings in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series has been signed.

The journal is indexed in Scopus, as well as in EI Compendex and Inspect. It is important to note that the IOP Conference Series is not covered by SCI (the journal papers are not indexed in SCI, they are indexed in a separate database, CPC-I); this means that the journal papers do not have an impact factor.

1) Paper templates and author guidelines:

2) Length of the paper: from 5 to 10 pages, in English.

3) Submission instructions and the list of the required contents of the archive with the paper will appear on this page later (the submission deadline has been extended).

4) After passing a review procedure an additional publication fee should be paid for each paper.

5) In the publishing house, the papers undergo additional verification for anti-plagiarism (self - plagiarism) and in case of detection can be excluded from the proceedings volume. Such cases are known.