Московский семинар по биоинформатике Philipp Khaitovich «Transcriptome Evolution of Cortical Layers In Primate Brain»

6 February 2014, Moscow

Rubrics: Seminar | Biology, Biotechnologies

Activity URL: http://www.rtcb.iitp.ru/msb/Index.htm


Четверг, 6 февраля 2013 года, 18:00, Москва, МГУ, лабораторный корпус «Б».

Тема заседания — доклад Philipp Khaitovich Max Planck — CAS Partner Institute for Computational Biology (Shanghai, China)
«Transcriptome Evolution of Cortical Layers In Primate Brain»

Changes in brain organization are likely to be central to evolution of human cognition. Most of the previous studies of gene expression signatures specific to the human brain focused on human-specific transcriptome features identified in homogenized brain tissue samples. Human neocortex, however, features complex laminar architecture with district histology and functionality in each of the cortical layers. So far, however, human-specific features of the cortical organization remain unknown. Here, we present a study of polyA-plus transcriptomes measured in individual cortical layers of prefrontal cortex in three primate species: humans, chimpanzees and rhesus macaques. Over half of genes expressed in brain showed significant expression differences across layers reflecting differences in their organization and functionality. Genes with lineage-specific expression profile changes were identified on all three evolutionary linages and characterized with respect to their potential contribution to brain functions.

Рабочий язык семинара — русский.

Москва, МГУ, лабораторный корпус «Б» (факультет биоинженерии и биоинформатики), комната 221 (2 этаж, от лестницы направо по коридору).
Проезд: Станция метро Университет, автобусы 187, 260, 130, 103, 113, 661, 47 или троллейбус 34 до остановки: «Улица Менделеевская».
Схема проезда

Information source: http://elementy.ru/